
Sunday, 8 May 2011

Activities on May 10th: Story Writing

Today, we will continue our work with story writing.
As we saw last week, stories are structured as follows:

In today's class, we will start working on a project, which will become a story magazine. For that purpose, follow the steps to write your story:
  1. Adventure, drama, sci-fi, love, crime, fantastic, horror?
  2. Organize your ideas in using Bubbl.
  3. Post your graphic organizer in your blog.
  4. Before you start writing, think of the Golden Rules of short stories (Taken from Howtobooks)

A single storyline, without sub-plots.
Three or four characters at most.
A single viewpoint, or two at most.
A short time-scale.
Consistent mood, tone and pace.
Consistent writing style.
Appropriate language.
Brief descriptions.
Minimum background.
Concise dialogue.
No lengthy preamble.
No contrived ending.
No preachy message
5. Think of the extension of your story : 150 to 200 words max. It has to be straight to the point. There are wonderful  short stories that are that short. Some are for kids as The Donkey and the Little Dog and some others extremely short and even difficult to get as in Wired 14.11. These, for instance, are 1024 characters only.

Get inspired and start writing! Bear in mind your story will be published and uploaded to the web, so you need to do a very good job, as a professional writer, who organizes, edits and gets feedback from several people before sharing the product to the world!

Finally, follow the writing process steps:

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