
Sunday 27 March 2011

Welcome you all

Dear Language I - Section 3 students,

Welcome you all to our Reading and Writing blog!

First of all, create your own blog by accessing your gmail account, and opening, and follow the steps.

Start following this blog. It is important that your blog has your name in it in both the title and the presentation, so we know who is who.
Please make sure that both your gmail and your blog are in English.

In this blog, you will find our lab activities published every week, and extra features you need for improving your reading and writing skills.

Why having a course blog?

Reading and writing are related to technology very much. Most of the things we read and write are in front of a screen and a keyboard. A blog, then, allows you to interact and learn from others.

Formative assessment and evidence of your learning.
Also, a blog keeps track of your own learning, and others can give you feedback about how your reading and writing skills are making progress. These require a lot of time and patience, so you will see how you are improving, little by little, by seeing your entries along time.
You will then be able to look at your blog at the end of the semester, of your first year or at the end of your training and be surprised of your learning!

Once again, feel welcome and make the most of this site for your own learning!

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