
Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Workshop 21st June

Dear students,

Welcome to our session today.
We will be working on some reading comprehension exercises, similar to the ones you will have in your final exam.
Please reflect on the number of correct answers you obtained and how easy / difficult it was to answer the exercises.

Enjoy the reading!!!

Sunday, 5 June 2011

Activities on June 7th: Movie Reviews

Today, we will start our last unit of the semester. As a recap, you have learnt how to write descriptions, letters, and stories. Today, it is the turn of movie reviews.

So... what's a movie review?
Just to make a point clear: a movie review is not to tell a plot again, nor to point out the sequence of events. It is a critical analysis of a film.

Have a look at the following steps to write a review:

a. Watch the movie & get to know the movie's behing-the-scenes: In a familiar environment without distractions. Ideally, watch it twice, so you can observe more details. Take notes as needed. Also, find out about the director and actors. Have they worked together before? Have they won any prize?

b. Opinion: Most reviewers give their opinions. You can then tell what you liked or disliked. Yet, you need to give impartial details to make the reader/viewer create his/her own opinion. You may say "three out of five stars; thumbs up"

c. Sense of audience: As in any kind of writing, writers need to think of who your readers are going to be. It is different to target a group of children than a group of teenagers.

d. Outlining: When giving a brief reference of what the movie is about, don't tell any essential detail! If so, please warn the reader that there will be a spoiler.

e. Actors: Give brief references of who the actors are and how their performance was.

f. Structure: How was the structure of the movie? Did it have a regular story line?

g. Cinematography and lighting:  How well was the movie shot and directed? How was the lightening and effects?

h. Music: Did it have a special score or did it feature songs from popular artists?

i. Permanent revision: Read it as many times as possible. Ask for peer review and edit it permanently. Use the check list. It would be embarrasing to find a mistake once it has been published!

Now that you know what you need to look at, let's try to draft something out:

This is Wallace & Gromit. They're an animated series from Great Britain.
Let's see what you think and make a brief brainstorming with your classmate in your copybook.

Now... a classic:

What about an adorable ogre?

Or a romantic one?

Monday, 23 May 2011

Story Writing - Part 2 // May 24th 2011

In today's session, you are to finish your story. As you finish it, please go through your classmates' blogs and leave feedback on them.
For that purpose, please ensure to read and apply the self-check assessment and check your writing documents uploaded some time ago in virtual.
The idea is to have all the documents ready, so you can submit them on Thursday in paper and via email, so we can do our story magazine to be shared with the school of education, as agreed.

You might like to include pictures, record a video, or draw a comic strip about it. Please feel free to create whatever you want to represent your story and make it suitable for as many audiences as possible.

I am sure you will do a great job!

Sunday, 8 May 2011

Activities on May 10th: Story Writing

Today, we will continue our work with story writing.
As we saw last week, stories are structured as follows:

In today's class, we will start working on a project, which will become a story magazine. For that purpose, follow the steps to write your story:
  1. Adventure, drama, sci-fi, love, crime, fantastic, horror?
  2. Organize your ideas in using Bubbl.
  3. Post your graphic organizer in your blog.
  4. Before you start writing, think of the Golden Rules of short stories (Taken from Howtobooks)

A single storyline, without sub-plots.
Three or four characters at most.
A single viewpoint, or two at most.
A short time-scale.
Consistent mood, tone and pace.
Consistent writing style.
Appropriate language.
Brief descriptions.
Minimum background.
Concise dialogue.
No lengthy preamble.
No contrived ending.
No preachy message
5. Think of the extension of your story : 150 to 200 words max. It has to be straight to the point. There are wonderful  short stories that are that short. Some are for kids as The Donkey and the Little Dog and some others extremely short and even difficult to get as in Wired 14.11. These, for instance, are 1024 characters only.

Get inspired and start writing! Bear in mind your story will be published and uploaded to the web, so you need to do a very good job, as a professional writer, who organizes, edits and gets feedback from several people before sharing the product to the world!

Finally, follow the writing process steps:

Sunday, 24 April 2011

Lab Activities 26th April

Dear all,

Welcome to the computer lab session today!

We will divide our work between language exercises and the historical district project. Please organise your time accordingly, so there's enough time to fulfill both.

First part: Language practice (30 minutes)
Jumbled sentences: Please do exercises 1-5
Some tips about punctuation and some exercises.
Punctuation exercises

Please write a brief reflection on the advantages and disadvantages of these exercises in your blog.

Second part: Historical district project  (50 minutes)
Get in your groups and start googling for information about the place you want to work on.
Remember to bookmark all the sites you visit! They have to be included in the bibliography, as they were consulted websites.

  1.  Group leader: Create a google doc
  2. Share it with your classmates & teacher (top right / sharing options)
  3. Start working, on your different computers on the same doc. Copy / paste information IN ENGLISH about the place you are researching. Please do not consult wikipedia. 
  4. You can interact with the google doc by checking the chat on the right. If so, please chat in English!
  5. Your teacher will leave some comments on the doc within this week. Remember this is just the first approach to the research, which has to be book-based.
  6. Suggestion: You may check official tourism website, Lonely Planet, Trip Advisor, Welcome Chile, Santiago Tourist, etc. 

Monday, 11 April 2011

Lab activities April 11

Dear students,
Welcome to our lab session today!
Please ensure to fulfill the activity today. I'll be printing your blogs on Thursday and give you a progress mark on your blogs (Criteria: Organisation of ideas, coherence of ideas and cohesion; use of vocabulary according to the assigned tasks; and task completion).

Today, we will work on describing places and people, in preparation to your cumulative test on Thursday 14th.

1. Organise your paragraphs coherently!
Keep in mind
ONE idea - ONE paragraph
Therefore, when describing, you can have paragraphs on 1. Location/surrounding; 2. Building (divided into shape, colour, architecture style, special features...);  3. Purpose; 4. Your opinion. This is just a suggestion! Please think of your reader, who will be puzzled with a mixture of characteristics!

You may want to brainstorm and organise the ideas first. Also, use your connectives you have learnt so far. Bear in mind sentence structure (Subject + verb + (object, complement, adverbial).

Describe and compare the following pictures:

1. Offices

 2. Bedrooms

3. Santiago

Post the descriptions in your blogs. As soon as you finish them off, please comment on your classmates' blogs and give feedback, as appropriate.

Sunday, 27 March 2011

Lab Activities 29th March

Dear students,

Today's session will consist of the following.

Part 1: Creation and setting of your blog. 

  1. Create your blog. 
    1. Please ensure it is set in English.
    2. Remember to use your first and given name in the web address and your name in the title. You may then add your personal touch to it.
    3. Make sure that the time zone is adjusted to Santiago. 
  2. Post your first entry with a brief presentation of yourself. You can include the things you like to do in your free time, music or movies you like it, etc.
  3. Write your address on the board, so you can start following your classmates' blogs. The idea is to have everyone linked with each other.
Part 2: Writing

  1. On our Thursday class, we started to create a paragraph by brainstorming, classifying ideas by topics and/or similarity. 
  2. In your blog entry, include the ideas you brainstormed in your groups, and how you titled them.
  3. Write your paragraph. 
Part 3: Interacting with your classmates' blogs
  1. Post your observations, comments and opinions about your classmates' paragraphs in their comment boxes. Please be respectful. Feedback from peers has to be concentrated on content. 
  2. What should/can I say about my classmates' paragraph? Follow these steps!
    1. Content / Coherence / Cohesion: Does the text flow? Are there choppy sentences?
    2. Can it be understood by any audience? Does it provide a clear and straightforward context? 
    3. Look at the Inverted Pyramid Writing picture. Does it follow the example?
    4. Another way to think of a paragraph is as a hamburger. In order to make a delicious one, everything has to be in the right place!

(If there is enough time!) Part 4: Sharing links with your classmates
Google websites with reading comprehension exercises. Explore them and try them out.
Post one link to virtual. Say why that particular link was useful to you (colourful, interactive, user-friendly, etc...)

Please don't forget to fill out the survey posted in the blog. It is really important for us!

Good websites to practice Reading & Writing

Check this websites out!



Course expectation survey

Dear all,

In our first class, we discussed about what reading and writing was for you all.
It is very important for us to have your personal impressions about it.

Please fill out this survey to know your opinions and feelings and especially your expectations for this semester about this course.

Thank you!

Welcome you all

Dear Language I - Section 3 students,

Welcome you all to our Reading and Writing blog!

First of all, create your own blog by accessing your gmail account, and opening, and follow the steps.

Start following this blog. It is important that your blog has your name in it in both the title and the presentation, so we know who is who.
Please make sure that both your gmail and your blog are in English.

In this blog, you will find our lab activities published every week, and extra features you need for improving your reading and writing skills.

Why having a course blog?

Reading and writing are related to technology very much. Most of the things we read and write are in front of a screen and a keyboard. A blog, then, allows you to interact and learn from others.

Formative assessment and evidence of your learning.
Also, a blog keeps track of your own learning, and others can give you feedback about how your reading and writing skills are making progress. These require a lot of time and patience, so you will see how you are improving, little by little, by seeing your entries along time.
You will then be able to look at your blog at the end of the semester, of your first year or at the end of your training and be surprised of your learning!

Once again, feel welcome and make the most of this site for your own learning!